Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Imani Meraung di Klinik Gigi

Hye semua.. 

Pagi tadi Sha bawa Imani ke Klinik Gigi sebab dia mengadu sakit gigi.. Doktor suggest untuk tampal.. Tak bagi cabut.. Adoi.. Dugaan sungguh nak memujuk Nur Imani untuk tampal gigi.. Siap dia nangis menjerit-jerit lagi.. Mak memang sentap kalau tengok anak nangis beriya-iya macam tu.. Ini mesti fobia cabut gigi hari tu tak habis lagi.. Adoilah..Memang jenuhlah pujuk.. Dua kali masuk dalam tempat rawatan, dua kali juga dia reject sentuhan doktor.. Doktor cuma mampu tengok gigi dia je.. Doktor cadangkan untuk Sha cari Ubat GC Tooth Mousse untuk bantu kekang bakteria di gigi Imani.. Doktor siap maklumkan agak susah untuk cari ubat tu di farmasi tapi mudah di beli online dekat Lazada, 11th Street dan seangkatan dengannya.. Doktor moden okay.. Hehehe..

Disebabkan Imani reject rawatan dan cubaan untuk menampal gigi, maka Sha memang kena carilah ubat yang doktor cadangkan itu.. Sha dah survey secara online tapi masih belum beli.. Nak cuba cari di Farmasi dulu.. 

Product details of GC Tooth Mousse 40ml (Mint)

Water based, sugar free dental topical crème containing Recaldent™ CPP-ACP (Casein Phosphopeptide - Amorphous Calcium Phosphate)

Recaldent™ is derived from the milk protein, casein. For many years it has been known that milk and its derivatives have a tooth protective effect. Recently, research has shown that this activity is due to a part of the casein protein called Casein Phosphopeptide (or CPP), which carries calcium and phosphate ions 'stuck' to it, in the form of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (or ACP). This complex of CPP-ACP (Recaldent™) is an ideal delivery system for bio-available calcium and phosphate ions.

The first product for professional use that contains Recaldent™ technology is GC Tooth Mousse. GC Tooth Mousse incorporating Recaldent™ promises to make an important contribution to protecting the oral environment in a wide range of situations where a mineral imbalance may arise.

Delivers Recaldent™ (ACP-CPP) to restore mineral balance in the oral environment
Provides extra protection for teeth
Helps neutralize acid challenges from acidogenic bacteria in plaque and other internal and external acid sources
Tastes delicious and makes teeth feel smoother and cleaner

Restoring mineral balance in patients with salivary deficiencies such as xerostomia or when proper oral hygiene procedures are difficult
Restoring balance after procedures such as tooth whitening, professional cleaning, rootplaning and curettage, as well as reducing any resulting dentine hypersensitivity
Research has also shown that Recaldent™ can transform the visual opacity of new white spots to a more natural 'tooth-like' translucency

How to use
When GC Tooth Mousse is applied to tooth surfaces, the CPP-ACP molecule binds to biofilm, plaque, bacteria, hydroxyapatite and surrounding soft tissue localizing bio-available calcium and phosphate. Saliva enhances the effectiveness of CPP-ACP and the flavour helps stimulate saliva flow. Tooth Mousse works quickly, within 2-5 minutes, but the longer CPP-ACP is maintained in the mouth the more effective the result.


  1. owh..macam ni rupanya moose untuk gigi & fungsinya..baru tahu

  2. Alahai,..kasihannya Imani... moga jumpa tooth mousse yang dicari tu

    1. jumpa dekat online je.. sekarang nie just bubuh ubat cap kaki tiga kat gigi dia untuk matikan kuman..

  3. kesiannya Imani masih fobia kat doktor gigi..

    1. tu lah.. lama juga nak hilangkan fobia dia nie..

  4. kasihannya...memang seksa sakit gigi ni...harapnya cepatlah diubati ya =)

  5. Kesiannya imani ;(
    Sakit gigi ni mmg sakit sngt ;(
    Get well soon

  6. Good sharing sis
    Jenuh ye dia xnk jumpa doctor.. Hihi

    1. jenuh cikyan.. Sampai akak pun pening nak mujuk..

  7. org tua pun takut tam[al gigi budak lagi la... baru tau ada produk cenggini...

  8. nasib ada alternatif lain selain tampal. Produk ni adults boleh pakai jugak ke?

    1. adult pun boleh pakai.. dia prevent kerosakan..

  9. moga cepat baik imani. Cik miza yang dah tua ne pun seram nak jumpa dr gigi

  10. Nak Cuba juga laa sebab Gigi mama pun asyik sakit aje ni

    1. bolehlah cuba mama.. sha pun baru berjaya beli.. online di lazada..


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