Hye semua..
Pergh!! Mencabar betul filem ini.. Kita pula yang panik menengoknya.. Kisahnya Kyeong Mi ini pekak tapi boleh baca bibir orang.. Hidup dia biasa je dengan mak yang juga pekak.. Masalah bermula bila seorang pembunuh awalnya aim mak Kyeong Mi ini tapi kemudiannya ubah sasaran kepada So Jung.. Masalah jadi rumit bila Kyeong Mi terjumpa So Jung dan pembunuh tu serang dia.. Memang pergh!! Kita yang tengok ini pun geram je.. Bayangkan nak minta tolong tak boleh tapi diburu.. Pembunuh tu sampai ikut Kyeong Mi ini kerumah dia.. Memang dasyatlah.. Walaupun fiksyen je tapi puas hati Sha bila Kyeong Mi buat seolah-olah pembunuh tu tikam dia.. Masa ini memang puas hatilah.. Padan muka pembunuh tu..

Movie: Midnight
Also Known As: Mideunaiteu
Screenwriter & Director: Kwon Oh Seung
Genres: Action, Thriller, Mystery
Country: South Korea
Release Date: Jun 30, 2021
Duration: 1 hr. 43 min.
A life-threatening hide-and-seek between a psychopathic killer and a deaf woman
Kyeong Mi, a girl with hearing impairment lives with her mother. Working at the customer call center, one day she storms out of an unpleasant dinner with the client and drives home after she picks up her mother. Meanwhile, the murderer Do Shik spots Kyeong Mi's mother waiting for her daughter who went to park her car but changes his target when another girl So Jung passes him by talking on the phone. So Jung gets stabbed by Do Shik in the back alley and is found by Kyeong Mi, who ends up becoming Do Shik’s new prey.

Mcm menarik ni...leh layan nanti