Hye semua..
Drama ini tak pernah ada dalam watch list Sha.. Tapi bila iQiyi buat peraduan, Sha cubalah tengok 1 episod.. Eh!! Menarik.. Ada unsur misteri, paranormal dan juga suspen.. Cumanya bila tengok drama ini kena banyak bersabar sebab diceritakan secara flash back dan juga masa kini.. Ceritanya berlaku di sekitar gunung Jiri yang sangat misteri..
Watak utama dia Yi Kang dan Hyun Jo.. Hyun Jo asalnya askar tapi selepas kematian rakan sekerja beliau, Hyun Jo ini dia macam ada kuasa psikik sebab selalu nampak imbasan kemalangan atau kematian yang berlaku di gunung Jiri tu.. Jadinya dia minta untuk jadi ranger hutan.. Yi Kang ini pula dia ada masa silam yang berkait dengan gunung Jiri ini dan ini juga menjadi punca kenapa dia berkerja sebagai ranger hutan.. Dalam masa yang sama dekat gunung Jiri ini berlaku pembunuhan bersiri.. Kita yang tengok pun tertanya-tanya siapa agaknya pembunuh sebenar sebab semua orang nampak mencurigakan..
Drama: Jirisan
Also Known As: Mount Jiri, Jiri Mountain, Jilisan , Cliffhanger, Mountain Jiri
Screenwriter: Kim Eun Hee
Director: Lee Eung Bok
Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Drama, Fantasy
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 16
Aired: Oct 23, 2021 - Dec 12, 2021
Aired On: Saturday, Sunday
Original Network: iQiyi, tvN
Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
One of the three hallowed mountains of Korea, Mount Jiri has been attracting visitors to its majestic grounds long before the park surrounding it was created. Founded in 1967, Jirisan National Park is the oldest and largest of the country’s national parks, managed by a dedicated team of rangers who have devoted their lives not only to protecting and preserving the park, but the countless visitors who trek through the extensive grounds every year. Among these rangers is the incomparable Seo Yi Kang. Considered by many to be the best of the best, Yi Kang’s knowledge of the park and skill as a tracker has saved countless lives. At her side stands Kang Hyun Jo, an ex-military lieutenant who decided to become a ranger after experiencing a horrific incident on the mountain.
Though he may be only a rookie, his military experience makes him an exceptional ranger and a reliable partner for Yi Kang. Reporting to Jo Dae Jin, the head of the Haedong Branch Office, Yi Kang, Hyung Jo, and the very practical Jung Goo Young, make up an impressive team of rangers who daily risk their lives to save others. But when mysterious rumors start floating around about the mountain’s unexplored regions, the strength of each member of this intrepid crew are put to the test.
(Source: Viki)