Hye semua..
Anime 12 episod dan 1 episod tambahan.. Cerita mengenai Seiji yang ditugaskan ke Unit Special 7 untuk menangani kes yang berkaitan dengan organisasi Nine.. Organisasi yang mencetuskan kekacauan semata-mata ingin membangkitkan kuasa naga.. Seiji juga mempunyai kuasa yang luar biasa dan tak mati walaupun ditembak.. Ada sejarah dan rahsia yang tersembunyi antara Seiji dan peristiwa 9 tahun dahulu berkaitan organisasi Nine ini..
Untuk episod istimewa pula berlaku sebelum kemasukan Seiji ke Unit Special 7.. Berkaitan dengan Nijou yang dituduh membunuh bekas ahli organisasi Nine..

Keishichou Tokumu-bu Tokushu Kyouaku-han Taisaku-Shitsu Dai-Nana-ka: Tokunana
(Special Crime Investigation Unit - Special 7)
12 Episode
Fall 2019
Genres: Action, Police, Fantasy
In Tokyo, there exists a peaceful cohabitation between supernatural creatures—elves, dwarves, vampires, and more—and humans. However, contrary to history, powerful dragons once ruled over this world of creatures and humans but have since disappeared. Consequently, a diabolical group under the alias "Nine," who seek the miracles of the once godlike dragons, stirs up trouble in the streets of Tokyo, commiting mass murder and causing destruction. To combat the dangerous group of Nine, the police organize the Special 7—a group of highly skilled professionals whose abilities exceed those of ordinary humans.
Caught up in a bank robbery turned hostage crisis, Seiji Nanatsuki, having recently become a detective, has a chance encounter with Shiori Ichinose, a member of Special 7. Assisting with the resolution of the robbery, Seiji is recognized for his clear sense of justice and refreshing character, suddenly earning him a spot on the elite unit.
As he takes on new missions, Seiji finds that being a detective as part of Special 7 isn't the police work he expected, where working alongside a team of different species with special abilities and vibrant personalities brings unpredictability to his daily life and police work. While the everyday crime in Tokyo continues, Seiji and the Special 7 will fight not only to resolve special cases, but also obstruct the ill-intentioned plans of the merciless group of Nine.

The OVA will be focus on when Kujaku Nijou first entering group, which occurs one year before the main anime begins.
macam best je kak sha. dah lama tengok anime, boleh masuk dalam list dulu..hehe
ReplyDeleteNak kena tengok ni.. :)
ReplyDeletekuasa naga, boys suka ni cerita macam ni hehe
ReplyDeleteAnime Supernatural selalunya menarik :)
ReplyDeletewahh cam best lama nya tinggal anime ni..sekarang saya layan netflix je
ReplyDeletewahhhhada vampire, dwarf dengan elves tapi werewolves takde eh hahaha nampak sangat tak boleh geng sebab ganas
ReplyDeleteseiyuuu utk watak seiji tu always jahat dlm anime lain, tapi this one baik ke ? hahaha
ReplyDeletewow tak mati walaupun ditembak? kebal tuuu