Hye semua..
Yeah!! Filem baru mengenai Nezha keluar lagi.. Kali ini boleh tonton di Youtube.. Nezha dituduh membunuh anak Raja naga tapi Nezha menegakkan kebenaran.. Tak sempat menerangkan perkara sebenar dan akibat salah faham, Nezha membunuh diri dan terperangkap dalam pagoda tujuh tingkat.. Demi membawa Nezha pulang, Li Jing iaitu bapa Nezha masuk kedalam pagoda tujuh tingkat.. Semasa di dalam pagoda ayah dan anak kembali berbaik dan berkerjasama menentang syaitan.. Pada peringkat akhirnya, Li Jing terpaksa berkoban demi menyelamatkan Nezha..

Movie: Nezha: Demon Child Is Back
Also Known As: Na Zha: Mo Tong Gui Lai
Genres: Action, Historical, Fantasy, Martial Art
Country: China
Release Date: Jul 30, 2024
Duration: 1 hr. 19 min.
Once upon a time, the Dragon King flooded Chentang Pass to force Li Jing to surrender Nezha. Nezha took his own life to destroy his physical form, and his spirit was compelled to enter the Linglong Pagoda in search of a glimmer of hope for survival. Unable to bear seeing Nezha led astray, Li Jing joined him in the pagoda. They encountered illusions one after another, with enemies lurking within. Father and son trod together and ultimately reconciled their differences, joining hands to defeat the Dragon King.
macam best jee