Friday, July 1, 2022

Anime Jepun | Karas (2005)

Hye semua..

Syok juga sesekali layan anime macam ini.. Lagipun pendek je, 6 episod.. Hehehe.. Kisah seorang lelaki yang menjadi pahlawan mengimbangi dunia manusia dan youkai.. Tapi manusia mula melupakan youkai dan membuat kacau.. Ini menyebabkan pahlawan karas yang lama naik angin dan ingin menghapuskan manusia.. Muncul pahlawan Karas yang baru bernama Otaha.. Namun bukan mudah sebab Otaha perlu mencari sebab untuk perjuangannya..

2005 ‧ Cyberpunk ‧ 1 season
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Themes: Gore, Super Power
Duration: 30 min. per ep.
Episodes: 6
Aired: Mar 25, 2005 to Oct 26, 2007

The world of the humans and the world of the demons (youkai) have overlapped one another, leaving humans to walk the streets of life as they normally would, while demons walk, hidden from the naked eye, down the very same streets. A seemingly young woman named Yurine and her servant, the Karas (from the Japanese word for "Crow"), have long maintained order and balance between the overlapped worlds, ultimately keeping the demons from interrupting the lives of humans. However, humans have come to forget and jest at the existence of demons, and no longer understand the privilege it is to live without fear. Disgusted by this arrogance, an old Karas turns his back on the laws he had once upheld, and in his human form, named Eko, he creates an army of Mikura, or mechanized demons, to ready an attack on the human race.

A young man named Otoha inherits the powers of the Karas and takes his place at the side of Yurine, who claims that his soul called out for her while he lived the life of a human. They live in the world of the demons. It is now up to Otoha to prove himself as a Karas, and restore the balance that Eko threatens to upset.

Meanwhile, a superstitious police officer named Sagisaka and his rational new recruit, Kure, follow the trail of the murders dealt by Eko's Mikura, as well as the trail of a rogue Mikura named Nue. The prophecy unfolds from here into a grave revelation for all in the city.
(Source: Wikipedia)


  1. Tak pernah layan Anime Jepun. Nonton di mana tu

  2. walaupun pendek, nampak macam berat jalan cerita dia. Berat nak seimbangkan dunia manusia dengan youkai tu


Assalamualaikum.. Salam ukwah dari saya untuk anda..
Terima kasih sudi singgah blog saya..

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Sha's bookshelf: read

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Review & Rating

Sha's bookshelf: read

Disergah Penunggu Pokok Ara
really liked it
Kali ini tok ketua dan Berahim telah terbuka hijabnya.. Memang lagi teruk lah terasa gangguan..
Dijenguk Hantu Penanggal
really liked it
Kelakar lah kali ini.. Hahaha.. Terbaiklah Christopher sebab erjaya elakkan gigitan penanggal tu.. Siap nak ditanduknya.. hahaha..