Hye semua..
Alang-alang dah tertengok Ayat-ayat Cinta 2, teruslah Sha layan pula Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 pula.. Filem yang pertama Sha tak tengok tapi Sha dah baca novel dia.. Boleh baca reviewnya di SINI.. Novel yang kedua belum sempat baca.. kikiki..
Filem ini okay.. Arini jumpa Meirose masa dia ke Budapest.. Masa dekat Budapest juga Arini disahkan sakit.. Jadinya Arini ingat nak satukan semula Meirose dengan suami dia.. Tapi dalam masa yang sama, Meirose tengah berkawan dengan doktor yang merawat Arini.. Pergh!! Bersegi-segi cintanya.. Kikikiki..Okaylah filem ini..
Filem ini okay.. Arini jumpa Meirose masa dia ke Budapest.. Masa dekat Budapest juga Arini disahkan sakit.. Jadinya Arini ingat nak satukan semula Meirose dengan suami dia.. Tapi dalam masa yang sama, Meirose tengah berkawan dengan doktor yang merawat Arini.. Pergh!! Bersegi-segi cintanya.. Kikikiki..Okaylah filem ini..

Sinopsis: Meirose (Raline Shah) comes back to the house of Pras (Fedi Nuril)
and Arini (Laudya Cynthia Bella). She intends to take Akbar, her son who
had been treated by the couple. But this time Arini persuaded and asked
Meirose to return to Pras. Meirose was in doubt. She is now unsure of her life choice between
living a future that herself does not know what it is like, or returning
to Pras but not to the heart of destroying the happiness of Arini.
Meirose is more confused when Pras, the man she still loves appears in
front of her.
Why did Arini insist on persuading Meirose to return to Pras? What
did Pras do, whether he would accept Meirose, while he was still
doubtful of his ability as a human being to be fair to two wives. Who is
also the figure of the doctor Syarief (Reza Rahadian) who suddenly
appeared in their lives?
filem berciri Islamik dari seberang best..harap2 M'sia pun boleh buat filem mcm ni..
ReplyDeletegood actor & actress ni
ReplyDeletehahah bersegi sungguh..aah da tgk da citer ni..just terfikir ada ke pempuan bek ati sgt mcm tu hhaha
ReplyDeleteSelalu dengar pasal cerita nie dan ada jugak ditayangkan kat tv tapi selalu 'miss' nak tengok...
ReplyDeletetak suka movie yang 1 dengan 2