Hye semua..
Memang padulah.. Cumanya kalau tak suka tengok babak gore janganlah tengok filem ini.. Selamba je dia bunuh orang.. Pembunuh bersiri serang Akira seorang peguam yang juga psikopat, tapi Akira berjaya lepaskan diri.. Sebelum pembunuh tu berjaya ditangkap polis, Akira nekad mencari.. Semuanya kerana ingin mendapatkan data yang dimiliki pembunuh.. Pembunuh tu sebenarnya ada kaitan dengan kes penculikan budak-budak yang berlaku belasan tahun dahulu.. Sasaran pembunuh tu memang budak-budak yang diculik dan dijadikan bahan eksperimen.. Paling tak sangka kesudahan cerita ini.. Adoilah..

Movie: Lumberjack the Monster
Also Known As: Monster the Woodman, Kaibutsu no Kikori
Director: Miike Takashi
Screenwriter: Koiwai Hiroyoshi
Genres: Thriller, Mystery
Country: Japan
Release Date: Oct 13, 2023
Duration: 1 hr. 58 min.
A bizarre, but bloody serial murder case takes place. The murders seem to be influenced by the picture book "Kaibutsu no Kikor." The serial killer wears the mask of the "Lumberjack Monster" and attacks his victims' with an ax to take their brains. The serial killer's next target becomes the lawyer Ninomiya Akira. The lawyer is unusual in that he lacks empathy for others. He is also a cold-blooded and heartless person and carries the traits of a psychopath.
Other people become involved in the case including profiler Toshiro Ranko, Ninomiya Akira’s fiancée Hasumi Emi, Dr. Sugitani Kuro and past murder case suspect Kenmochi Takeshi. The case needs to be solved like a puzzle, including finding out why the serial killer takes the victim's brain and why the next target was chosen. Ninomiya Akira must work to solve this puzzle to save his own life.
~~ Adapted from the novel "Kaibutsu no Kikori" by Kurai Mayusuke.~~

Genre gore begini saya sukaaaaaa sangat ❤️❤️👍. Dan jepang kalo dah buat thriller biasanya seruu . Nanti nak carilah movienya