Sunday, March 23, 2025

China | Large Queen (2022)

Hye semua..

Comel dramanya.. Sha tengok dekat youtube.. Seorang pereka fesyen yang tercampak ke zaman silan dan masuk ke dalam tubuh puteri raja yang agak tembam.. Su Jin Xia ini asalnya dilantik sebagai permaisuri malangnya, raja mati malam perkahwinan diorang.. Raja yang baru terus lamar Su Jin Xia ini sebagai isteri dan kekal sebagai permaisuri.. Su Jin Xia ini lari dari istana sebab tak boleh nak makan sedap-sedap.. Dia berjaya buka kedai baju untuk mereka yang berbadan agak chubbdia.. Raja pula dalam usaha mencari pembunuh dan musuh yang bersembunyi.. Memang ceritanya tak panjang tapi ngam ja lah babak kelakar, suspen dan juga romantis..

Drama: Large Queen
Also Known As: Da Ma Huang Hou Yao Fan Tian, My Chubby Quuen
Director: Dai Jin Yuan
Genres: Historical, Romance, Fantasy
Country: China
Episodes: 24
Aired: Dec 18, 2022 - Jan 3, 2023
Aired On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Original Network: Tencent Video
Duration: 3 min.
Su Jin Xia, the daughter of the Great General, was appointed as the Empress consort of the sickly old Emperor. Unfortunately, on the wedding day, the old Emperor passed away. Upon hearing the news that she was to be buried together with the old Emperor, Su Jin Xia collapsed. Her body was then taken over by the soul of a fashion designer from modern times. This new Su Jin Xia was different from the original one. She was bold and cheerful. The new Emperor spared her from the sacrificial burial as long as she was willing to marry him. So she became the Empress consort of the new Emperor.

Unaware of the Emperor's true love, Su Jin Xia eventually ran away from the palace. When this plump Empress consort learned that fat women were considered low in status and bullied outside, she decided to open a plus-size clothing store. Soon, the Emperor appeared to pursue his love.


  1. Eh durasi 3 menit?? Maksudnya tiap eps hanya 3 menit kak? 😅😅. Waaah pendek yaaa. Nanti saya nak nonton lah. Macam kelakar memang

  2. C drama masih lg dgn epi yg pnjg ya... k drama sy tgk byk dah jd 12 epi. yg 8 epi pun sama...


Assalamualaikum.. Salam ukwah dari saya untuk anda..
Terima kasih sudi singgah blog saya..

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Review & Rating

Sha's bookshelf: read

Disergah Penunggu Pokok Ara
really liked it
Kali ini tok ketua dan Berahim telah terbuka hijabnya.. Memang lagi teruk lah terasa gangguan..
Dijenguk Hantu Penanggal
really liked it
Kelakar lah kali ini.. Hahaha.. Terbaiklah Christopher sebab erjaya elakkan gigitan penanggal tu.. Siap nak ditanduknya.. hahaha..