Saturday, December 28, 2019

Russia | Sunny Bunnies (2015-2019)

Hye semua..

Animasi lagi.. hehehe.. Ini pun animasi kesukaan anak-anak Sha.. Bebola gebu yang comel dan kelakar.. Memang rasa gembira je bila tengok animasi ini, ceria dan berwarna-warni tau.. Animasi ini ada ditayangkan di Disney Channel, Iflix dan juga Youtube.. Makhluk ajaib yang tinggal dimatahari dan suka turun ke bumi untuk bermain.. Walaupun gemar bermain namun makhluk ini saling membantu.. Tak ada kata-kata namun reaksi dan aksi yang ditunjukkan mampu difahami siapa sahaja yang menonton..

First episode date: December 6, 2015
Created by: Andrew Ledenev; Andrew Tolkachev; Sergey Gashnikov
Composer(s): Dmitry Friga; Vladimir Kurlovich; Victor Dementiev
Russian: Солнечные зайчики
Networks: YouTube, Disney Junio
Kids are capable of coming up with the most unreal and fantastic creatures in their minds. Shadows are seen as bleak and gloomy, while sunbeams are associated with light and happiness, and can create funny images. What if these fantasies came alive? What if they could jump out of the sunlight?

The Sunny Bunnies are five beaming balls of light that can appear anywhere there is a light source. Whether it is sunlight or moonlight, they bring fun and happiness everywhere they go. However, each time they appear their actions turn into a mischievous game. Sometimes too mischievous.

In each episode, Sunny Bunnies appear at a different location: a circus, a stadium, a carrousel, a park, a stage… They immediately start to investigate their surroundings and that’s when the fun and mischief begin! At the very end of every episode, the laughter continues with a collection of bloopers.


  1. Tak perasan pulak animasi kartun ni.. Okay nanti LeYa nak cari laa.. Hee..

  2. waalaikumussalam. geram sangat dengan bulu2 gebu tu. rasa macam nak tonyoh2 ja ala ala karpet. haha


Assalamualaikum.. Salam ukwah dari saya untuk anda..
Terima kasih sudi singgah blog saya..

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Sha's bookshelf: read

Dia Trouble Maker
Pelukis Jalanan
Kelibat Setan
Mila’s Big Splash
Misi Budak Tahfiz
Puaka Jambatan
Saat Aku Berpaling
Cikgu Kelas Sebelah
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Jadikan Aku Yang Terakhir
Cik Isteri Dan Encik Suami
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Review & Rating

Sha's bookshelf: read

Disergah Penunggu Pokok Ara
really liked it
Kali ini tok ketua dan Berahim telah terbuka hijabnya.. Memang lagi teruk lah terasa gangguan..
Dijenguk Hantu Penanggal
really liked it
Kelakar lah kali ini.. Hahaha.. Terbaiklah Christopher sebab erjaya elakkan gigitan penanggal tu.. Siap nak ditanduknya.. hahaha..