Hye semua..
Kelakar tengok drama ini.. Terutama sekali masa episod 7.. Masa ini Jin, Eun Ji dengan Chul Ki berlawan dengan penjahat demi menyelamatkan saksi diorang tapi Ah Ra dengan Joong Do relax je duduk dalam kereta sebab tak pandai berlawan.. Pastu boleh pula cakap macam tengah tengok filem aksi.. Hampeh betul dua orang ini.. Hahaha..
Tapikan.. episod 10 sedihlah.. Tak patut tau orang jahat tu.. Sha nie kan walaupun drama tapi tetaplah sedih juga.. Menyampah bila asyik orang jahat je menang..
Syok sebenarnya layan drama ini sebab pendek, 12 episod je dan Jin Jung tak putus asa separuh jalan.. Walaupun asyik ada je halangan tetaplah dia melangkah ke hadapan untuk pastikan penjenayah dihukum..

Drama: Bad Prosecutor
Also Known As: True Swordsmanship, Real Swordsmanship, Prosecutor Jin’s Victory, Real Game, Jingeomseungbu, True Sword Battle, Stubborn Prosecutor
Director: Kim Sung Ho
Screenwriter: Im Young Bin
Genres: Action, Comedy, Law, Drama
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 12
Aired: Oct 5, 2022 - Nov 10, 2022
Aired On: Wednesday, Thursday
Original Network: KBS2
Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
Jin Jung is a troublemaking prosecutor of the Central District Office. With a strong sense of justice and craziness, he punishes criminals more than they deserve. A Ra is Jung's partner, a competent prosecutor who always judges issues objectively and handles them with a clean finish. Also at the Central District Office is the elite prosecutor Do Hwan, who believes money and power are everything. He is a man who is willing to do whatever it takes to go higher up. In a world corrupted with wealth and evil, the story of these prosecutors unfolds.
(Source: Viki)

siapa sebenarnya bad prosecutor tu?
ReplyDeleteJin Jung tu.. Jenis pakai redah je janji dapat hukum penjahat..
Deletewalaupun ada tiga prosecutor dalam pejabat peguam tapi ketiga-tiga berbeza perangai dan cara. tahun ni banyak betul drama bertemakan dunia guaman. benyak benda boleh belajar