Hye semua..
Hye semua..
Movie ini sebenarnya movie crossover antara siri televisyen Kamen Rider Build dan Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.. Kalau yang Ex-Aid tu Sha tak tengok sangat tapi tahulah sikit-sikit.. Movie ini masih seronok ditonton sebab tak bersambung dan kita boleh faham penceritaan dia..
Menariklah layan movie ini dengan Imani.. Sambil bersoal jawab kan.. Dalam movie ini, bumi ada dua.. Orang jahat nak cantumkan bumi dan jadi manusia Immortal.. Tapi Build berjaya halang dengan bantuan Ex-Aid.. Biasalah hero kena kalah dulu awal-awal cerita baru boleh menang dihujung cerita.. Bukan takat Buil dengan Ex-Aid je ada dalam movie ini.. Ada Kamen Rider Fourze, OOO, Gaim dan Ghost..
Menariklah layan movie ini dengan Imani.. Sambil bersoal jawab kan.. Dalam movie ini, bumi ada dua.. Orang jahat nak cantumkan bumi dan jadi manusia Immortal.. Tapi Build berjaya halang dengan bantuan Ex-Aid.. Biasalah hero kena kalah dulu awal-awal cerita baru boleh menang dihujung cerita.. Bukan takat Buil dengan Ex-Aid je ada dalam movie ini.. Ada Kamen Rider Fourze, OOO, Gaim dan Ghost..

Sinopsis : The story begins following Ex-Aid and Para-DX's battle against Build during Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: True Ending.
Build appeared and took Ex-Aid's powers away, but Sento has no
recollection of such incident happening other than a dream. Misora has
made two new Fullbottles.
When Sento arrived to a Smash distress call, he found a Nebula Bugster instead, the latest mutation of the Bugster Virus. While Sento battled the Nebula Buster, Ryuga was blown into an alternate reality where the Sky Wall never existed, where he meets Emu and the Gamer Riders. The Riders from the world of Build and the Riders from the world of Ex-Aid, alongside the Legend Riders Fourze, OOO, Gaim, and Ghost will stand up against this threat!
When Sento arrived to a Smash distress call, he found a Nebula Bugster instead, the latest mutation of the Bugster Virus. While Sento battled the Nebula Buster, Ryuga was blown into an alternate reality where the Sky Wall never existed, where he meets Emu and the Gamer Riders. The Riders from the world of Build and the Riders from the world of Ex-Aid, alongside the Legend Riders Fourze, OOO, Gaim, and Ghost will stand up against this threat!
uish dasyat...akk layan cite2 gini eh...hehehe
ReplyDeleteKeh keh.. Minat dari zaman sekolah lagi..
DeleteSha ni boleh geng suami ekin kalau layan kamen rider kita tepi xperase hahaha
ReplyDeleteKikiki.. feveret nie ekin..
Deletekalau sha layan cerita ni msti cousin yang kecik tu sibuk nak join haha
ReplyDeleteSeronok tengok dengan anak anak kecik..kikiku..
Deletefuyoh seriuslah kak sha layan citer ni :D
ReplyDeleteSerius.. kikiki..
Deleteaiyooo bumi yang ada satu ni pun tak terjaga inikan pulak dua
ReplyDeleteKan.. hahaha..
DeleteAkak rasa last akak tengok kamen rider - kamen rider kabuto. Tu pun sebab akak suka Hiro Mizushima 😊
ReplyDeleteKabuto tu feveret kak.. sebab pelakon dia..